Product Sampling Event: Crossfit YO4
On Saturday 9th July we are heading over to Crossfit YO4 to hand out a load of WOD Fuel samples and Elite Greens samples to the Saturday morning class members. We will be taking tubs of the Orange WOD Fuel and Strawberry & Lime Elite Greens.
Crossfit YO4 are a Crossfit affiliate gym which have the aim of carving you the path to a Happier, Healthier & Stronger Lifestyle.
Each class is 60 minutes long and will challenge different skills every time you step in the gym. The work is constantly varied, the intensity is always high and the results are undeniable. This is the way to train in the modern world.
Workouts should not be done in solitude, they shouldn't feel like a chore. They can be done in a fun, high intensity and highly motivating environment that will take you to places you may never have thought possible.
We are taking along our photographer Jamie Langford to get some epic shots of the YO4 members during their WOD!
Where is it?
Unit 2A Pocklington, York, YO42 1NR
See you there for some product sampling!